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Libraries and AI (PASCAL): Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom


This guide focuses on generative AI for teaching faculty 

This guide serves as a resource tailored for teaching faculty, providing insights into core concepts, practical applications, and ethical considerations surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) in education.

This LibGuide was developed by the PASCAL Training Working Group with some assistance from ChatGPT, a language model created by OpenAI.

Importance of AI in Teaching and Learning

Understanding AI is crucial for teaching faculty as it equips them with the knowledge needed to harness AI's potential in enhancing educational practices, addressing academic integrity concerns, and preparing students for an AI-driven future job market. Moreover, familiarity with AI enables educators to adapt teaching methodologies and leverage AI tools effectively to personalize learning experiences and improve student outcomes.

Last updated: 03/4/2024

Practical AI for Instructors and Students

What is AI?

AI Overview 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) encapsulates the endeavor to engineer machines that replicate human intelligence. The formal inception of AI as a distinct field of study occurred in 1956 at a Dartmouth College workshop, marking the commencement of an academic and practical exploration into cognitive simulation. The trajectory of AI has been characterized by cycles of ambitious advancements and subsequent periods of disillusionment, known as "AI winters," due to unmet expectations.

Contemporary AI

In the contemporary era, AI manifests across a diverse spectrum of applications, including but not limited to, machine learning, natural language processing, and autonomous systems, exemplified by virtual assistants (like Siri and Alexa), personalized recommendation engines (as seen on Netflix and Amazon), and self-navigating vehicles.

Generative AI

Generative AI, a subset of AI, focuses on creating new content or data that is similar but not identical to existing data. It involves algorithms that can generate text, images, videos, and music that resemble human-like creativity. Tools like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) and DALL-E are prominent examples, showcasing the ability of AI to produce novel content based on learned patterns and data.

For a comprehensive list of terms, visit the Glossary of Terms page.

References and Further Resources