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ENGL 1002: Intro to the Southern Gothic

Search Tips

Use your keywords and these search tips in any catalog or database!

Using AND

Use AND in your search to:

  • Narrow down your results
  • Find sources that include ALL of your search terms

Example:  Poet AND Women

Need More Help?

For more in-depth help, see the following pages on our How Do I? guide:

Quick Tricks

Add an asterisk to the root of a word to find results that contain all variations of that word.

Example:  femini* = feminist, feminists, feminism

"..."  Place quotation marks around search terms or a search phrase to find results containing that exact phrase.

Example:  "coming of age"

(...)  Use parentheses to nest similar terms [synonyms] or to ensure the computer will search your terms in the correct order

Example:  Austen AND (heroine OR protagonist)

Using OR

Use OR in your search to:

  • Connect 2 or more similar or related terms [synonyms]
  • Broaden or increase your results, so that your results will have EITHER term

Example:  "George Gordon" OR "Lord Byron"

*The green area represents the results of this search; articles that contain either of the terms