Contains a wide range of materials from U.S. diplomats in foreign countries: reports on political, military, and socioeconomic matters; interviews and minutes of meetings with foreign government officials; important letters, instructions, and cables sent and received by U.S. diplomatic personnel; and reports and translations from foreign journals and newspapers.
See the Digital National Security Archives collections for access to Primary Sources relating to the Cold War. Some examples include: The Berlin Crisis, CIA Covert Operations, The Cuban Missile Crisis, The Kissinger Conversations, Soviet-US Relations - The End of the Cold War, and more.
Includes documents pertaining to the Cuban Missile Crisis, Soviet-American diplomacy, the United States Atomic Energy Commission, the Warsaw Security Pact, and other related topics.
Supports the full and prompt release of historical materials by governments on all sides of the Cold War, and seeks to accelerate the process of integrating new sources, materials and perspectives from the former "Communist bloc" and the non-Western world more generally with the historiography of the Cold War.
The National Security Archive supplies a large quantity of Cold War primary source material accessible by country listing. Also includes the collection titled, The Carter-Brezhnev Project.