[Manuscripts & Archives, Yale University] Included are over 4,400 testimonies in 22 languages. The collection is kept current, and survivors taped over 30 years ago can update their testimonies. This important, high-quality resource is unique in its content. In comparison to some sites, it does not reflect ideological bias or a media agenda aimed at a sentimental ending.
A collection of original historical materials documenting German history from the early modern period to the present. Resources are organized by period and include an introduction essay, primary source documents, images, and maps.
[Andover-Harvard Theological Library-Harvard Divinity School] Made available as they are being digitized, the online records of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee will contain more than 200,000 digital pages and photographs. Covering 1939–1967, these records document the Committee's work aiding hundreds of persons displaced by World War II.
“An incorporated nonprofit organization providing monthly financial support for non-Jews who rescued Jews during the Holocaust and preserving their legacy through a national education program.” Includes accounts of rescues under the "Rescuer Support" tab.
Digital archive that includes thousands of documents, posters, and photographs from the most significant Polish Jewish collections along with online exhibitions, media galleries, and two background essays [website]
[German Propaganda Archive, Calvin College] A collection of English translations of National Socialist propaganda for the period 1933-1945, part of a larger site on German propaganda. The goal is to help people understand the great totalitarian systems of the twentieth century by giving them access to primary material. The complete archive is substantial. If you are looking for something specific, try the search function available at the bottom of this page.
[Avalon Project, Yale Law School] The trials of Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop before the International Military Tribunal. Browse contents, by volume, or key documents.
A helpful list of resources that includes articles, books [both fiction and non-fiction], films, poetry, and websites both for and about second generation Holocaust survivors.
A collection of nearly 52,000 testimonies of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust. While the majority of interviews are with Jewish Holocaust survivors, the collection also contains testimonies of political prisoners, Sinti and Roma survivors, Jehovah's Witness survivors, homosexual survivors, as well as rescuers, liberators, and participants in war crimes trials.
A collection of 70 interviews of Holocaust survivors conducted by Dr. David Boder in 1946. The collection can be searched or browsed by various categories.
(Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority) Established in 1953 by an act of the Israeli Knesset, Yad Vashem has been entrusted with documenting the history of the Jewish people during the Holocaust period, preserving the memory and story of each of the six million victims, and imparting the legacy of the Holocaust for generations to come through its archives, library, school, museums and recognition of the Righteous Among the Nations.
Patricia Heberer. Lanham, MD:: AltaMira Press, in association with the National Holocaust Museum.
See specifically Chapter 5: "Children in the Concentration Camp Universe." Contains several primary source documents and excerpts.
View and download more than 1.9 million images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences from outstanding museums, photo archives, photographers, scholars, and artists.
This web portal includes over 9 million items from libraries, archives, museums, and other organizations across the country and provides users with a direct link to each digital object. Also offers a timeline "search" which allows browsing by date.
In the Library Catalog
Use the following keywords when searching for primary sources in the Library Catalog or the Pascal Catalog:
oral history
personal narratives
*Combine these terms with your topic and search. For example: Holocaust AND diaries
Upper Level: DVD 940.5315 M519M
"When allied troops invaded Germany and liberated Nazi death camps at the end of World War II, they found unspeakable horrors that still haunt the world's conscience. In 1945, British and American film crews accompanying the troops liberating the camps captured these atrocities firsthand. The resulting film directed in part by Alfred Hitchcock but never finished, was discovered by Frontline in 1984 in the archives of the Imperial War Museum.
Upper Level: DVD 940.5318 M288M
Tells the story of the two most "efficient" and terrifying extermination camps, which the Germans set up in the East. Traces the history of the camps, tells us about the leading personalities who ran them, and discusses the liberation and postwar trials associated with them.