A free, downloadable spell-checker add-on for word processors. This add-on checks the spelling (in American English) of over 100,000 technical chemistry words. The file includes words not found in the user’s native dictionary: chemical compounds, systematic nomenclature fragments, laboratory techniques, and chemical descriptors are included. The spell-check file supplements, but does not overwrite, any native or custom dictionaries already functioning on the user’s computer.
Provides concise, condensed, and prompt definitions of terms and phenomena in chemistry, biology, biochemistry, and more.
*Older edition also available in print:
Main Level, Reference: R 540.3 H316H
Online scientific reference resource with more than 8500 encyclopedia articles, over 115,000 definitions, and suggestions for further study on specific topics
A database resource for understanding high-level functions and utilities of the biological system, such as the cell, the organism and the ecosystem, from molecular-level information, especially large-scale molecular datasets generated by genome sequencing and other high-throughput experimental technologies.
Online scientific reference resource with more than 8500 encyclopedia articles, over 115,000 definitions, and suggestions for further study on specific topics